Rediscovery of the ‘extinct’ Lord Howe Island stick-insect ( Dryococelus...
AbstractThe Lord Howe Island Stick-insect (Dryococelus australis) was formerly abundant on Lord Howe Island, Australia, but was extirpated by Black Rats (Rattus rattus) in the 1920s. The species was...
View ArticleGeomorphology and Late Quaternary development of Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs
AbstractMiddleton and Elizabeth Reefs are two mid-latitude, annular reefs within the Lord Howe linear chain of volcanic islands and seamounts in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Drilling, vibrocoring,...
View ArticleReef development at high-latitudes during multiple interglacial cycles: New...
AbstractReef development during past Interglacial periods, when sea level and sea surface temperatures were higher than today, provide unique insights into how reef systems may respond to projected...
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